Redesigning Tolentine...

This is the last action project of the year for our STEAM course, Urban planning; and this one proved to be quite intricate. Over the course of this term, we've discussed many things: Circuits, electricity, and lastly city design. We had been reading Devil In The White City, which gave us some basic insight on how Chicago came up during and after the production of the world's fair. All of this led to discussions where we talked about what makes a city, what needs to be kept in mind during the design process, and ultimately how to redesign if the first one didn't prove to be the best. For the project that soon followed those discussions, we got to redesign any area we wanted whether it was part of our city, another city, a simple building, or whatever, as long as it contributed some way to a community. I chose to redesign a park near my house which has needed some thought on how to redesign it for more than 10 years. Here's what I ended up thinking.

By  Container: Year: 2021 URL:


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