GO with the FLOW and save H2O

I am now going through my first term of the water course and I am very astonished at our findings. We use so much water that it can be considered inhumane. The way I found out about this was by going on a field experience with my class. This was going to the Chicago river to collect water and bring it back to GCE. The purpose of this project was to mainly open our eyes about how long people of other countries have to go to get water and bring it back with a great quantity of it. I was very concerned by how problematic this is. I then decide to compare the amount that I use to the amount the average american uses. And then wanted to compare both of those to the amount the average citizen from japan uses. The average american uses 80 to 100 gallons of water on the daily. The average person in japan uses 250 liters or 66.6 gallons of water a day. Each day I use at the least 16.75 gallons. With my 16.75 gallons of water 18.8% goes to showering, 12.5% to cooking, 25% to cleaning, and the this lat one blew my mind, This was the toilet and it has 43.8% of the chart.

The walk from GCE really opened my eyes. We only waked 18 minutes which ended up being about 1000 feet. Seems long right? Yeah that is not long at all compared to other places. Some children have to walk over an hour just to get like 7 gallons of water and then they have to carry it back without spilling too much. Still think what I did is a lot? Nope not at all. I live in a suburb that surrounds the Chicago area. So if I had to walk to get water from my house to the nearest water source it would be almost 5 minutes. To carry even 5 gallons back would be difficult. It would take me a triple amount of time to do so. And on top of that I would be carrying water that needed to be cleaned and treated so that it can become potable.  I am not writing this to tell that we have it bad because that is definitely not the case. I a writing this to inform you about how much water we waste here compared to countries that barely at all waste water because they don't have the extended resources we do. Please, Please, please I just want everyone to conserve water to stop wasting it and to spread awareness to this tremendous issue. One way you can conserve water would be to turn of the water while you are are brushing your teeth. Or use only about 5 to 6 minutes in the shower. Even choosing one of these processes will make a drastic change.


  1. I found this project really interesting . I liked how you chose to compare Japan and the you which are in two totally different places and compared the water usage. You also, some what brought in to perspective how carrying water every day in order to survive might be in water scarce countries.


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