A visual summary of environmental research...
This is the very last unit of Frontiers, the course where we started off learning about the oceans and climate change and finished up learning about space and the laws of the universe. This class was filled with excitement and new knowledge but my favorite part had to be the very first research paper. The paper I wrote was about the oceans and the future of climate change with the idea of artificial aerosol injection as a form of geoengineering. There, I dug into the research revolving around this controversial method of shooting artificial aerosol clouds into the atmosphere to reflect the sun's heat away from the earth, which would cool the planet and mitigate the dangers of climate change. After writing this paper, we held an in-school scientific conference where we shared our findings in minimalistic ways. I thought to myself, "what would be the easiest and most effective way to share my research"? That's when I decided to create a poster, but I wanted it to be different. Typical "science fair" style posters feature an overwhelming amount of text that is most often always just excerpts from the paper a presenter would write. I wanted to create a poster that summarized my findings, but would also allow for people to not have to strain to read long text, and also open the opportunity for us to have a conversation if needed. My poster mirrors my personality trait of being minimalistic but conveying as much necessary information as possible.
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JH, Conference poster, 2022 |
Society, Royal. “1. Is the Climate Warming? | Royal Society.” Royalsociety.org, 2019, royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/question-1/#:~:text=Yes.,%2D1970s%20%5BFigure%201a%5D.. Accessed 27 Apr. 2022.
“Tropical Volcanic Aerosols Take a Fast Track to Affect Antarctica----Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences.” Iap.cas.cn, 2015, english.iap.cas.cn/RE/201812/t20181218_202577.html. Accessed 2 June 2022.
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